29 June 2018  Reports

Case study: In-depth engagement with tamariki & rangatahi Māori

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner recognises that, as tangata whenua, it is vital the voices of tamariki and rangatahi Māori are heard at all levels of decision making and planning. This engagement came about because we wished to more fully reflect their voices in our advocacy. We wanted to learn about the lived experience of rangatahi and tamariki Māori, so we asked them.

This case study models an approach to undertake in-depth engagement a diverse group of tamariki and rangatahi Māori to learn more about their lived experience. Many of the tamariki and rangatahi we spoke to would be unlikely to be heard without focused efforts to engage with them. This was not a one-off engagement. We undertook focus group sessions that were interactive and fun. We followed up the initial group meetings with more in-depth sessions with a smaller number of rangatahi. Combined, these steps enabled rich stories and insights into the lived experience of tamariki and rangatahi to be shared.